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Athletic Therapy

Athletic Therapy is a health care profession that specializes in prevention, emergency care, assessment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries (muscles, joints, ligaments, bones).  Following a Sport Medicine Model of care, an Athletic Therapist utilizes contemporary rehabilitation methods including manual therapies, therapeutic modalities, corrective exercise, physical reconditioning, taping and bracing in order to accelerate an individual’s return to pre-injury status.


Common Conditions Treated:

  • Lower back pain

  • Muscle strains

  • Ligament sprains

  • Fractures

  • Sports injuries

  • Movement Pattern Disfunction

  • And more!

Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates has been adapted by healthcare professionals from the work of Joseph Pilates to make the exercises more suitable for clients rehabilitating from injury or with movement dysfunctions. Uncovering your underlying movement potential, giving you a new understanding of your body, and increasing control, strength, flexibility, and overall wellness.


Common Conditions Treated 

  • Postural dysfunction

  • Complex, chronic pain

  • Pre/post-natal

  • Sports injuries

  • Strains and sprains

  • Arthritis

  • Osteoporosis/osteopenia

  • Post-acute disc bulge

Active Rehab

Unlike passive rehabilitation that involves movement catalyzed either by a machine, another person, or an external force, clients in active rehab initiate body movement and perform the various exercises required for their recovery. Activities may include general exercises or passive or active range-of-motion exercises that exert muscles and put the body in motion.

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